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Just Some More Broken Dreams


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When you've run your last mile in a Marathon... And you look back and say, "Wow, That sure was not fun". When you read the Last Page of what was suppose to be a Good Book... And it was a "Let-down"...And you Mourn...from All the Time that it took. When you got up Early to see a Wonderful New Sunrise... And All there was were Gray Clouds and Fill your Eyes. When you went out to Finish a Project...on the Wettest, Coldest Day of the Year... And Nothing could be Accomplished...You're Stopped in Your Tracks...Right Here. When you are Just-About Ready to Pay-Off...A Big Amount on your Credit Card.... And Right Then...Your Car needs a New Transmission...Well Then, It's Pretty Hard. When You Dream and Dream...And Watch that Dream Constantly Fade Away... When You Look in the Mirror...And Tell Yourself...There is Nothing More to Say. When the Simplest Thing you Want to Do... Becomes the Most Impossible Thing in the See it Through. When Saddle Sore from Something that keeps Rubbing against your Skin... Makes you Finally throw your Hands Up...and Give Up trying Once Again. When the Day is Shorter than the Amount of Things that Must get Done... And you find Yourself...Still at the Office...Long After the Setting Sun. When this Day...Like the Day Before...And On And On Before...It Seems... Becomes Just Another Day...One with Just Some More Broken Dreams. When this Happens and It gets to the Point when you are at the End of your Rope... Why Should I Try To Fill You With A Ray of Sunshine or Act like there is any Hope? When the Skies are Gray...And it seems like there will Never be a Dream Come True... That is the Time the Last Margin of Effort...You Have Left...Is All Up to You. Choose You this Day...How Far the Race is to the Finish Line... And Know...As I Am Trying to Admit to Myself...that Today...It wasn't going to Happen...At this Point and Time. Just Some More Broken Dreams to Heap on to a Crumbled Pile...up on a Shelf... Well, There is Plenty More Dreams Left Where Those Came From...I Must Tell Myself. So Here's to Dreams...The One's that are 1/2 Fulfilled or Not At All... Not All Dreams end up as a Certificate of Completion to Mount on the Wall. Some Broken Dreams are Themselves...A Journey...Full of Twists and Turns... I have to remind Myself this...The "Broken Dream" Itself is an Answer...I stubbornly needed to Learn. © 2020 ManlyPoetryMan


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