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My Farmall Tractor


"Good ol' faithful and true...and so gloriously bright red." MPM | Source What does"My FarmAll Tractor" mean to me? In my thoughts... "My Farmall Tractor" is a place I go... You know...Words can say a lot...or take us to a place...any place. I'm a lot like the ol' guy up on his tractor...looking at the picture below. My World is content just sitting out on an ol' cow pasture...and workin' up a smile on how the day is progressin'. Peace to you today...Hope ya' like the way your day is progressin'...thus far!

"What I aspire to do in my old sit from my tractor and see how the day progresses!" Says MPM

Here's the Poem: Lost in thoughts...My Farmall a place I go... Where I travel through cow a gear that's low. The engine is the only sound... That can be heard for miles around. Out past the long the early morning's first rays... I find Peace and Contentment with my life...for the rest of my days. I was born to be in the hustle and bustle of the modern world around... But my heart yearns to live far away...out past the furthest town. And in a moment where I can "Pause" from the world that is all around me... I fire up my Farmall tractor...and head out miles away...Out in the coun-try. With a gentle rumble the motor moves me along... Occasionally, a tire splashing or old spring clunking...joins into its mellow song. But, that is all I know of what I can I quietly bounce along without a care... The world back where I came from can get loud and hectic...but out here...I'm unaware. I hear a crow cawling...A hawk flies way above... A deer crosses out in the hazy meadow...I smile at the world I love. The mud gets thick at times...though the tractor moves steadily on ahead... Good ol' faithful and true...and so gloriously bright red. I use you around the place...for many are the right tool for the job... But today...I'm using you to get the kinks out'ta my back...on this saddle seat...where I bounce and bob. There is no one around...there is no one who can see... Looks like I found the place...Dear Lord...where it is only just you and me. My mind begins to unwind...jumbled thoughts all begin to become clear... So glad I hopped up on this tractor...and drove on out to here. The new day opens up before me... As fields display a gigantic sea. The woods sit on the Eastern side...quiet noises can be heard... And the wild wind begins to pick-up...carrying along a gliding bird. I have no more words to descibe this...the feeling is intense of this place... Inside my heart is happy...putting a new smile...on this ol' mans face. I have seen some things on this planet...and I've been here...and I've been there... But nothing at all is greater...then sitting out here on my Farmall Tractor...without a single care ! Lost in thoughts...My Farmall a place I go... Where I travel through cow a gear that's low. The engine is the only sound... That can be heard for miles around.

"I fire up my Farmall tractor...and head out miles away...out in the country." MPM

Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved for "My Farmall Tractor". ManlyPoetryMan

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